Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Second Life and other social networks

I think social networks are really interesting, especially Second Life. I know that they can exploit children and some people can get into a bit of trouble with them... but having a second life floating around out there is such an interesting concept.
I think MySpace and Facebook are great social networking sites and could be really useful for libraries. They do have a few downfalls though... like the public posting all sorts of things on your libraries page, etc. and also the time factor. In fact the time factor is one of the reasons why I refuse to get a Facebook page. All my friends want me to but I'm standing my ground. I just don't have the time to keep it up to date!
Also in a library situation, while yes there is always something happening in the library, it isn't always interesting enough for everyone to see!

1 comment:

Elaine said...

I don't really like second life myself. did you know they have a stock market in that virtual world? We had to do something in it for university and the things we found out were weird. People actually become rich selling stuff virtually.
